Sunday, December 7, 2008

We are ready to go…..

Well as ready as the Whites can be without being able to fold up the White house and drag everything along with them…The sissly season is driving me nuts… So much to do, and we off to Moz soon… True mommy style we packing up the entire White house again… Combi, trailer and 4 by 4 off we go… Cant wait…

I just want to give a brief update again about the ongoing disasters this year… Zellie crashed her car – no I am not telling you again it actually happened again… Rykie also had a little mishap where someone reversed into me… Its crazy… I am done with these accidents!!!

Dads bday was a blast!!! We built him a mini White house for a cake.. A big Hansel and Gretel like house cake, complete with the entire fam and a marshmallow Snooky… See photo below….

Other than that we have just been busy organizing everything for Moz and making lists of what to take and what there is and isn’t.. More is’s than is’nts… I see another one of those places coming where we think its beach front sea view and then we stay in a shack… Those places get so terribly hot and we don’t even have aircon..

But oh well, we are all looking forward to the 2 day long road trip and all the story’s to tell when we get back.. Hold thumbs that all goes well and that we come back with a need to return to this new holiday destination…